Higher Education Job Search Wiki!

9224605544_fb259434a6_oAs a Higher Education Scholar in Training, at some point, I’m going to have to find a job.  Unfortunately, doing so efficiently can be challenging because the resources designed to help me (and others in the same position) are scattered all over the place.  To try and make things easier to use and keep track of, I created a Higher Education Job Search Wiki, which can be found here: http://hejobsearch.wikispaces.com.

In the true wiki spirit, I hope you’ll not only check it out, but add to the repository of resources by making pages for the ones you have found helpful (or just have access to; helpful or not), or add comments using the Discussion Feature.  Use the join code “QTRD7KP” (without the quotations) to make changes to the site.

Together, we are all smarter than any of us are alone.

Thanks for supporting this as well as all of my other projects!

Web 2.0 Tools of the Week: 7/27 – 8/2

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And that’s just the English version!

This week, we are revisiting some classic Web 2.0 tools, making them more suitable for our purposes, and trying out the self-proclaimed “Best Answer to Any Question” that’s (gasp) not Google!  Check it out by following the link!
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