Saturday Round-Up: 8/2/15


Let’s Enjoy What’s Left of Summer, Shall We?

This week in Web 2.0 news, a college president becomes an Uber driver, Yahoo introduces a video messaging app without any audio, and once again, we find an example of the intersection between gaming and learning.  It’s the first (Satur)day of August and round-up time!

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Saturday Round-Up


Amen, Brother. Amen.

I am rapidly finding out, as many of you may already know, the Web 2.0 world moves fast.  In my recent dealings, I came across this post’s lead image, and it struck me with both its clarity and brevity.  I, too, often feel like I am keeping with lots of things in social / popular media solely for the sake of conversation, not because I actually find it interesting, entertaining, or informative.  I chose three stories on the web this week that I found interesting, or entertaining, or informative. While there might not be a connected conversation around one or more of them already, I’m certainly willing to start one with whoever might be interested. Continue reading