This Week I Read: 7/27 – 8/2

board-413157_1280This week’s articles focused on social media designed for facilitation of various communities as well as some international perspectives on the Web 2.0 world.  Horizon broadening and boundary spanning?  You bet!  And, if you are into Structural Equation Modeling and / or Hierarchical Linear Modeling studies, you are in for quite a treat!

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This Week I Read: 7/20 – 7/26

A tower of used books

A tower of used books

This week’s readings focused on instructional design in social media with special attention to learners, environments, language, assessing social media-based assignments, and a theoretical framework to tie it all together.  If that sounds like a lot — you’re right!  Step inside for breakdown of these topics.

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This Week I Read (TWIR)


For those of you that have perused Reddit before, you might be familiar with the abbreviation TIL (“Today I Learned”) which is essentially a tag users can apply to their posts to identify any new-found knowledge that needs to be shared with others.  Well, I’m ripping off that idea and using a version of it here!  Welcome to the first installment of what I will be calling, “This Week I Read” or “TWIR” for short. Continue reading